Thursday, June 02, 2005


I've seen and made a lot of weird mistakes playing poker online.. accidently clicking the fold button when I had the nuts in a $100 pot, accidentally calling a capped raise preflop in late position with 2/8o only to flop quads, etc. I think I just topped myself. Most serious players use PokerTracker and statistcal overlay programs like Playerview or GT+, which give you immediate information about every player at your table. I had played at a table earlier in the day, and went to play just now. I had GT+ load up the stats for the table after sitting for a few hands, and did my thing. In general you can get a pretty good idea of what kind of hands a player has from these stats, based on how many hands they've played and how aggressively they've played them. I'm able to isolate weak players at a glance, know who to value bet against and who not to bluff, etc.

Over several rounds I had layed down some good hands to what the stats claimed were tight, passive players. I finally went to showdown with one guy, only to see that he had rivered a full-house with J/2o from UTG. I've never met a player who played %20 of his hands play this hand in early position, catch a deuce on the flop, and continue against a raise to catch a runner-runner full house. Then I noticed he had my name and stats. Apparently I had sat down at the same exact table (out of hundreds) and was looking at the stats of that earlier table. That cost me a few.

In other news, I went to the doctor today for a physical. Based on some oddities in my bloodwork and some circulation problems I've been having, the physician decided to run an EKG on me. They place a bunch of little sticky tabs all over your upper body, and connect the tabs to a computer which registers the electrical activity or somesuch of your heart. I don't quite know what the problem is, but something weird registered. I've got to go to the hospital on Monday for another test. The doctor thought a heart condition known as haemocrhomatosis might explain all of my symptoms. Basically, the blood contains too much iron, which deposits in the heart and causes all kinds of problems. My bloodwork revealed that I have an excess of hemoglobin in my blood, and some kind of enzyme buildup in my liver, which apparently are symptoms. We'll see, but say a prayer (if anyone is reading this...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am interested in finding out more about haemochromatosis and I find your entire website to an insult to even stupid people.Why don't you get a haircut and a real job.Regards Peter Gorton.

1:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am interested in finding out more about haemochromatosis and I find your entire website to an insult to even stupid people.Why don't you get a haircut and a real job.Regards Peter Gorton.And you can't even spell your condition correctly.STOP SMOKING DOPE

1:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! I haven't looked at my blog in years and after reading through it all found this comment for the first time. I guess he found my blog through google or something. "The bums lost Mr. Lebowski! THE BUMS LOST!"

1:55 AM  

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